Date of Commencement
25 February 2014
Original Completion Date
24 February 2018
Latest Revised Completion as Approved by Client
01 March 2023
Original Scope of Works
1. Laying of 62.5 km Sewer Pipe Network of :
• Gravity Sewer pipe: 51.62 km
• Force main pipe: 10.88 km
2. Construction of manhole: 534 nos
3. Conversion of 7 units of existing Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) to Network Pumping Station (NPS)
4. Upgrading of 2 Network Pumping Stations – KLR 030 (Bunus) and KLR 289 (Setapak)
5. Rationalisation and Decommissioning of 60 units of public sewage treatment plant, 6 units of CST and 7 government premises (73 nos)
6. Testing and Commissioning Works