Shah Alam, 27 April – Directors training on Business Transformation and Competitive Digital Transformation has been held as part of the Bursa Malaysia requirement conducted by Mr. Boey Tak Kong from Terus Mesra Sdn Bhd who is a certified trainer accredited by HRDF.
To remain competitive, adapt to the changing market and regulatory environment and competition, organizations are increasingly considering how best to refocus or transform core aspects of their business and operating models.
There are many reasons a business might consider a transformation, for instance, new technologies, shifts within the market, low profit and turnover, or a merger and acquisition.
Businesses are constantly evolving within technology landscape. Companies are experiencing digital business transformations to stay competitive in the market.
Digital business transformation refers to the leveraging of modern, cloud-based technologies to transform a companyÃs work and IT environments for the betterment of that business.
This transformation provides continued opportunities for businesses to operate better, collaborate more, and expand.
Premise to the above, the objective of this programme is to examine marketplace challenges and trends including implementation of sustainable transformation and business improvement process to strengthen earnings potential.
Besides, this programme will embed participants with better understanding on the business transformation and digital transformation.
Participant will learn and understand the important of business and digital transformation is essential in staying ahead of the competition.
Being the strongest or largest player in an industry no longer ensures success in today’s global marketplace.
Companies now need a solid transformation strategy to compete in an increasingly complex business environment.
Moving forward to the paradigm change of business and digital transformation has brought the new breath to the industry.
However, to stay in the business or industry an organization needs the transform roadmap to survive in the evolving business environment.
Adopting the digitalization strategy is one of the approaches to sustain the competitiveness in the marketplace.
The training is specifically outlined to equip the Directors and PNHB Board of Directors as follows:-
– Business Transformation ñ Drive Impactful Performance Results
– Appreciate Global Mega Trends & Future Growth Drivers
– Identify the Growth Transformation Plan & Past Lessons
– Competitive Digital Transformation ñ Shape the Productivity Mindset
– Set the Digitalization Journey for Competitive Advantage
– Understand Strategies and Cybersecurity Threats