Shah Alam, 30th May – In the 21st Puncak Niaga Holdings Berhad (PNHB) Annual General Meeting (AGM), YBhg. Tan Sri Rozali Ismail, the Executive Chairman welcomed and thanked the members of the Company for attending the AGM.
The Chairman then introduced the Directors and officers of the Company to the meeting.
The meeting was preceded by the Corporate Presentation on the Financial Highlights given by Madam Wong Ley Chan, the Chief Financial Officer, followed by a presentation on the Plantation Division by YBhg. Dato’ Zainal Abidin Salleh, the Managing Director of Danum Sinar Sdn. Bhd and a presentation on the Group’s Project by Mr. Abraham P. Joseph, the D44 Project Director for Puncak Niaga Construction Sdn. Bhd.
All the questions raised by the members at the meeting pertaining with the projects under the plantation and construction sections have been answered by the directors. The Chairman also informed the meeting that YBhg. Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Dr. Ting Chew Peh has expressed his intention to retire at the conclusion of the 21st AGM.
On behalf of the Board and Management of the Company, the Chairman recorded the Company’s appreciation for the wise counsel, invaluable services and contributions rendered by him to the Company throughout his tenure since year 2000.
The meeting adjourned at 12.30 pm.